Within Makers Valley the notion that anyone can create positive change, thus becoming a Changemaker, is a strong and motivating value. The evolving model involves co-creation of a localised Wellbeing Economy, which honours both human and ecological development. Cooperative values practiced within an inclusive ecosystem including public, private and non-profit institutions, have resulted in a variety of programmes and projects:

Makers Valley Partnership (MVP) is a newly-established non-profit organisation that supports the Making and Changemaking activities in the Valley. The organisation evolved from a loose formation of associates from the entrepreneurial, academic, and broad civil society sectors. Relationships were forged with relevant business and government partners, for example Victoria Yards, Nando’s, the City of Johannesburg, and associated organisations, including the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA), and the Johannesburg Inner City Partnership (JICP).
MVP’s key purpose is to facilitate effective support for Makers Valley’s social and creative enterprise vision. The vision is that the entrepreneurial activities of the growing numbers of ‘Makers’ in the Valley produce livelihood opportunities, thus generating a localised form of sustainable creative economy. Cross-sectoral networking, partnerships and infrastructure development, together with attraction of financial investment are facilitated through the organisation.
Makers Valley Partnership recently registered under the Companies Act as a Non-Profit Company (NPC). Following an open nomination process facilitated by the Johannesburg Inner City Partnership, three directors have been appointed to the board of governance. These are Lusanda Netshitenzhe, Simon Sizwe Mayson and Siyabonga Stanly Ndlangamandla. Work is now underway to register as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) with the Department of Social Development, and to apply for Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) status with the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

VY Commons is a common working and social marketing space located within Victoria Yards. Positioned close to the main entrance, VY Commons often acts as the first point of entry to Victoria Yards and functions as an incubation hub for creative and social enterprises. It is also the Makers Valley Partnership ‘base’. The space is provided via social responsibility contributions by the developers of Victoria Yards and Nando’s, and managed as an emerging social enterprise.

The Makers Way Programme is about the power of place-making through small interventions and activities within Makers Valley. A variety of participants, organisations, residents, artists, educators and makers are experimenting with ways of making public spaces better. The project began in June 2018 and will culminate at the Makers Valley Festival 2020, date the be announced. The Makers Way programme is funded by the U.S. Consulate and managed by the Coloured Cube with support from the Johannesburg Inner City Partnership [JICP]
the makers way blog page includes:
Community Connect: Connecting with the people who live and work in the area.
How do they do that?: A series of 40 workshops that share skills, ideas and knowledge with youth of Makers Valley. The knowledge being shared comes from a range of small creative businesses and organisations based in Jozi.
Placemaking: Getting on the streets, making, sharing and working together to create cleaner, safer ad more welcoming public spaces.
Makers Valley - Where and What is it?: Learn more about where Makers Valley is and the variety of dynamic and exciting partnerships and activities taking place in the area.

Established in 2018 and led by Tumi Moroeng, the Makers Valley Collective is located at Moon Valley Studios in Bezuidenhout Valley. The mission of the organisation is to help create better access to information, markets, networks and maker spaces throughout Makers Valley and beyond. Moon Valley Studios is a hub for skilled makers, creative entrepreneurs, artists and storytellers working in multiple mediums. Makers Valley Collective’s founding values are inclusivity and equal access, and the organisation encourages innovation, exploration and experimentation in various forms of artistic expression and making, including crafts and performance art.
Makers Valley Collective is active on social media, regularly sharing information and contacts of relevance to the creative sector. An important additional information resource is a monthly newsletter, the Valley Views which is widely distributed. Through its various media outlets the MVC also shares news, views and updates from other organisations and individuals working in similar areas.

This is an emerging early childhood development (ECD) initiative that aims to gather potential ECD implementation partners as a ‘think and do’ tank. Following an initial stage of networking and research among ECD players across Makers Valley, early implementation will include establishment of a One Stop Centre for ECD at Victoria Yards, playgroups and well-managed day care centres, and foster homes.
The latest plans include the Changemaker School which is opening in April for children under two years old. The School will be hosted at the Troyeville House, a heritage property including a beautiful mansion and garden: an idyllic place for young children to flourish. Fees will be charged on a ‘pay what you can afford’ scholarship basis, depending on parents’ income.
The School will mix innovative and proven approaches including Montessori and Reggio. The aim is to offer an holistic package to a small, diverse group of children under the age of two, and their parents, making use of the immersion potential of the location of the school – a microcosm of South Africa.

Skills Village 2030 is a practical framework for workplace experience that uses festivals and events to identify and bring to market commodities, goods, services and experiences unique to the local community. Skills Village events build ’communitas’ – a sense of belonging, and workplace experience builds ‘capacity using events to increase the socio-economic and environmental health and wealth of local communities’.

This programme focuses on strengthening local entrepreneurs working towards the common good, or in the creative industries. Marginalised youth and women are prioritised for training programmes, seed funding, and potentially a youth entrepreneur development hub. The initiative will climax at the Mega Market during the Makers Valley Festival.
Funded through the British Council’s Developing Inclusive and Creative Enterprise (DICE) Fund, and supported by a small team working out of VY Commons, the programme has been incubated by the JICP and managed by Makers Valley Partnership.